2019 International Computer Science and Applications Conference , Pages 120-123
Di Cui
Di Cui
The method analysis the topological properties of Liquefied Natural Gas Waterway terminal Networks is studied based on the betweenness centrity in this paper. LNG shipping systems are vital to the economic development of our country. And it is critical for Chinese economic growth. Furthermore, the Chinese liquefied natural gas waterway terminal network hub degree is combined by the local economic growth. Especially, the shipping volume, degrees, weights characteristics and modular properties are mainly studied in Chinese Liquefied Natural Gas Waterway terminal Networks. This research on Liquefied Natural Gas Waterway terminal hub degree and weight characteristics can improve economic benefits and the hub waterway terminals location. Here, the betweenness centrity of LNG shipping volume information is used during the year 2010-2018. Furthermore, we analysis the network of links between liquefied natural gas waterway terminals with the rationality. The network has several features that set it apart from other transportation networks are shown.
Waterway terminal Networks, the networks properties, Liquefied Natural Gas Waterway terminal, Betweeness Centrity
Di Cui, Properties of the Liquefied Natural Gas Waterway terminals Networks base on the Betweenness Centrity. 2019 International Computer Science and Applications Conference (ICSAC 2019). 2019: 120-123.