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L-SecNet: Towards Secure and Lightweight Deep Neural Network Inference

Anxiao Song1, Jiaxuan Fu1, Xutong Mu1, XingHui Zhu1, and Ke Cheng1

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Jiaxuan Fu


1XIDIAN University 266 Xinglong Section of Xifeng Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710126


The advances in machine learning technology has promoted its great potential for deep neural network (DNN) inference powered applications of Internet of Things (IoT), such as facial verification cameras and speech recognition assistants. The current deployment of these applications also raises serious privacy concerns, especially when sensitive individual information is accessed easily by various IoT devices. Fortunately, the cryptography-based solutions are able to execute secure inference without infringing the user’s raw data and the model owner’s proprietary model. However, existing works suffer from impractically high latency and low accuracy, stemming primarily from the evaluations of the non-linear layers in DNN. In this paper, we propose L-SecNet, a lightweight secure neural network inference system that provides efficient inference services without sacrificing accuracy and privacy. Specifically, to reduce latency caused by comparison operations in non-linear layers, we subtly combine additive secret sharing and multiplicative secret sharing to design a lightweight secure comparison protocol. Further, we approximate the commonly used and time-consuming activation functions (including Sigmoid and Tanh functions) with the non-linear sin function instead of the linear polynomial approximation functions in the existing works. In order to maintain low running latency while meeting the requirement of high accuracy, a secure and lightweight protocol for a sin function is proposed. Our theoretical analysis and empirical experiments evaluate the security and efficiency of the L-SecNet system. Compared with the state-of-the-art works, L-SecNet saves up to about 80 times bandwidth and about 53 times runtime.


Secure neural network inference, Lightweight comparison, Accurate non-linear Function, Low latency

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Anxiao Song, Jiaxuan Fu, Xutong Mu,XingHui Zhu, and Ke Cheng (2023). L-SecNet: Towards Secure and Lightweight Deep Neural Network Inference. Journal of Networking and Network Applications, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 171–181.


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