Editors-in-Chief: Dr. José Balsa-Barreiro, Massachussetts Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Ruipeng Gao, Beijing Jiaotong University
Managing Editor: Christine Furber
Email: [email protected] ISSN: 2643-8240 (Online), No fees to publish articles in this journal
Paper Submission: https://editorone.org/management/manuscripts/create?publication_id=5e41e6f5a6623
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=r5xoYqIAAAAJ&hl=en
5. Special Issue Title: Computational Intelligence for Smart Power and Hybrid Energy System
Manuscript submission: August 31, 2020 Publication Date: by September 30, 2020
Lead Guest Editor: Dr. Subhojit Dawn, Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, India.
Submission Method: Please directly send your article to [email protected]
Guest Editor: Dr. Sadhan Gope, Mizoram University, India; Dr. Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, India
Description: The proposed special issue targeted to enable researchers and academicians to build connections between power and energy sector with the applications of different modern technologies. To minimize the difference between demand and generation, hybrid energy system plays a very vital role in modern power system. The modern power system always tries to use innovative and smart technologies to carry maximum power and adjust the power balance through the existing network. Smart technologies can collaborate directly with machine without human involvement to automate decision making or to control a task using computational intelligence. This issue aims to providing a platform to showcase the application of computational intelligence in hybrid energy integrated modern power system.
Please consider submitting to this special issue. We are interested in the entire range of concepts from theory to practice, including case studies, works-in-progress, and conceptual explorations.
The main objective of this special issue is to provide the knowledge in the recent trends, challenges and advances in power and energy sector.
We welcome submissions for this Special issue on “Computational Intelligence for Smart Power and Hybrid Energy System” in the following areas and not limited to:
• Power System Optimization
• Power System Deregulation
• Smart Grid Technologies & Applications
• Electric Vehicle
• Application of Soft Computing Techniques
• Artificial Intelligence
• Power Quality
• Advances of Renewable Energy Sources and Technology
• Energy Storage System
• Demand Side Management
• Load Frequency Control
• Electrical Drives, Systems and Applications
• Process Control and Instrumentation
• Power System Operation and Control
Research contributions targeted towards green technologies will be also considered.
4. Special Issue Title: Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical engineering
Manuscript submission: May 30, 2020 Publication Date: by August 30, 2020
Lead Guest Editor: Dr. Raghvendra Kumar, GIET University, India.
Submission Method: Please directly send your article to [email protected]
Guest Editor: Dr. Brojo Kishore Mishra, GIET University, [email protected]; Dr. Prasant Kumar Pattnaik, KIIT University, [email protected]
Description: Biomedical engineering ensures promising applications in healthcare domain such as e-health and e-medicine. The recent advancement of computational techniques such as machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT) & big data accelerates the deployment of biomedical devices in various healthcare applications. Artificial Intelligence is applied into these expert systems by mimicking the human expert’s knowledge in order to predict and monitor the health status in real time. Accuracy of the AI systems is increasing drastically using machine learning approaches. There are several techniques exists in AI in the implementation of the biomedical applications. AI can solve the complex issues in biomedical industry with computational insights and can play vital role in the future healthcare applications. Healthcare monitoring and biomedical imaging are the emerging fields in biomedical engineering, which certainly improves the patient’s health status. AI based methods pave new way in medical diagnosis and improvement in human lifestyle.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Artificial Intelligence in Expert systems
Machine learning for biomedical AI systems
Soft computing Techniques in biomedical AI systems
Nature Inspired Intelligent Techniques in biomedical AI systems
Biomedical Imaging Techniques using AI systems
Healthcare applications using biomedical AI systems
Big data Analytics and Health Informatics for biomedical AI systems
Biomedical applications using IoT
Bio-Robotic applications in biomedical AI systems
Security and privacy issues in biomedical AI systems
3. Special Issue Title: Self Powered Wireless Sensor Networks For IoT/IIoT
Manuscript submission: 30th September, 2020 Publication Date: by 30th October, 2020
Lead Guest Editor: Dr. Zheng Jun Chew, University of Exeter, United Kingdom.
Submission Method: Please directly send your article to [email protected]
Guest Editor: Dr. Yang Kuang, University of Exeter, United Kingdom, [email protected]; Dr. Tingwen Ruan, University of Exeter, United Kingdom, [email protected]
Description: Wireless sensor nodes are the key component in Internet of things (IoT) and industrial Internet of things (IIoT). However, batteries, which are the conventional power source for wireless sensor nodes have limited capacity and require regular replacement once depleted in order to keep the wireless sensor nodes operating. Such maintenance requirement may incur very high cost due to the effort required to change the batteries and intervention to assets in use, especially when the wireless sensors are deployed in hard-to-reach areas. Therefore, energy harvesting, which harnesses energy from the ambient surroundings is seen as a solution to power wireless sensor nodes. To enable perpetual or sustainable operation of the wireless sensor nodes in long term, the power from energy harvesting should be sufficiently large, in the range of hundreds of microwatts to milliwatts, with efficient power management circuit to convert the harvested energy into a usable form. Some of the basic capabilities of wireless sensor nodes are sensing, signal conditioning, analog-to-digital conversion (ADC), digital-to-analog conversion (DAC), sensor data processing, network synchronization and wireless communications. With the shear amount of wireless sensor nodes out there which may not be easily accessible once they are deployed, advanced capabilities such as self-identification, self-diagnostics, self-calibration, self-testing and location-awareness are important as well. Therefore, this special issue aims to explore energy harvesting powered wireless systems that have the capabilities to be deployed in real-world scenarios.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
High power/efficiency energy harvesting system
Low power sensing circuit or techniques suitable for energy harvesting systems
Low power network joining and synchronization for energy harvesting powered wireless sensor nodes
Low power self-x for energy harvesting powered systems
Self powered wireless sensors for IoT/IIoT applications
2. Special Issue Title: Cryptographic Solution for Secure and Efficient Healthcare Applications
Manuscript submission: 15th May, 2020 First Round Notification: 15th June, 2020 Acceptance Notification: 15th July, 2020 Final Manuscript Due: 15th August, 2020 Publication Date: by 15th September, 2020
Lead Guest Editor: Dr. SK Hafizul Islam, Indian Institute of Information Technology Kalyani, India.
Submission Method: Please directly send your article to [email protected]
Guest Editor: Dr. Daya Sagar Gupta, Shershah College of Engineering, India, [email protected]; Dr. Khalid Mahmood, Comsats University Islamabad, Pakistan, [email protected]
Description: With the increasing demand and application of the Internet, many online applications have widely used the Internet, including healthcare systems. In healthcare systems, patients can be connected over the Internet with the doctors staying at the various remote medical institutions. With the availability of the Internet, patients are more and more interested in sharing their sensitive clinical data into different medical institutions and in accessing from the database of the medical servers. It has been noticed that the sharing and access of data to and from the remote medical servers over the open Internet is a challenging task. The healthcare applications must support efficient and secure storage, delivery, distributions, of the patient information over the Internet. The secure healthcare systems can provide the best solution to care about the patient’s health by analyzing the patient’s data and sending them to the patients whenever needed. As the patient information is very sensitive and essential, so the leakage of the data compromises the patient’s privacy and their modification could damage the patient’s health. Thus, the security and confidentiality of patient’s data are two significant issues in healthcare systems. Therefore, in healthcare applications, various cryptographic tools can be used to make the healthcare systems secure and efficient, and the exchange of patient’s sensitive data over the Internet would be protected from unauthorized access and modification.
This special issue aims to share the application of cryptography in the healthcare systems. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Access control in healthcare systems
Privacy-preserving technology in healthcare systems
Authentication technology in healthcare systems
Encryption technology in healthcare systems
Secure computation in healthcare systems
Secret sharing in healthcare systems
Key agreement in healthcare systems
Special Issues are an important component of IEC journals. They deal with more focused topics with high current interest falling within the scope of the journal in which they are published. They should be organized by recognized experts in the area and attract articles of the highest quality. Special Issue proposals are welcome at any time during the year.
Proposals for Special Issues should be submitted by the Lead Guest Editor of the Special Issue and should include the following:
Special Issue Title
Lead Guest Editor (Including full name, email address, affiliation information)
Guest Editor (Including full name, email address, affiliation information)
Note: Affiliation information should include your department, university, city and country or institution, city and country.
Submission Deadline
Publication Date
Description: A 150-400 words summary about your Special Issue
If you would like to propose a Special Issue and be the Lead Guest Editor, please download Proposal Form below, fill it out and send to [email protected].