2019 Scientific Conference on Network, Power Systems and Computing
Pages 109-112
Secure Software Updates for Intelligent Connected Vehicles
Yunshui Zhou, Xinkai Wu, Pengcheng Wang
Corresponding Author:
Pengcheng Wang
With the emergence and application of intelligent and connected technologies, the Intelligent Connected vehicle (ICV) becomes the most promising manner to improve transportation. Meanwhile, the demand to update the software is also increasing to repair the bug in the software or introduce new functions for the automobile. This paper develops a new distributed remote software update system for automobiles which includes the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer), supplier and supervisory authority. In this system architecture, the OEM is able to delegate supplier to update software, so the OEM and supplier can coordinate with each other to perform the security software update. In this process, the government as a regulator needs to supervise the software update information. In the end, a prototype system is developed to verify the feasibility of our update system.
Connected vehicle, remote software updates, security, distributed
Cite this paper:
Yunshui Zhou, Xinkai Wu, Pengcheng Wang, Secure Software Updates for Intelligent Connected Vehicles. 2019 Scientific Conference on Network, Power Systems and Computing (NPSC 2019), 2019: 109-112. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33969/EECS.V3.025.