2019 Scientific Conference on Network, Power Systems and Computing
Pages 39-42
Reliability Analysis of Power Optical Transmission Network Based on Evidence Cloud Droplets Model
Yuanchun Tang
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Yuanchun Tang
In order to solve the problem that the qualitative indicators in reliability analysis of the power optical transmission network can not be accurately measured, this paper proposes a reliability evaluation method based on the evidence cloud droplets model. The model uses the cloud model to achieve the conversion between qualitative concept and quantitative value. Considering the correlation between the cloud droplets, it deeply excavates the interaction between cloud droplets combined with the evidence theory, and obtains the support of qualitative indicators to each reliability level. Finally, all indicators are used to give the analysis results of the reliability of the power optical transmission network in the form of ranks. By comparing with the traditional cloud model similarity algorithm, the proposed method has the advantages of objective science and high sensitivity, and can provide reliable decision-making basis for reliability evaluation of power optical transmission network.
Power optical transmission network, reliability analysis, cloud model, evidence theory
Cite this paper:
Yuanchun Tang, Reliability Analysis of Power Optical Transmission Network Based on Evidence Cloud Droplets Model. 2019 Scientific Conference on Network, Power Systems and Computing (NPSC 2019), 2019: 39-42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33969/EECS.V3.010.