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2019 Scientific Conference on Network, Power Systems and Computing , Pages 15-18

Design and Implementation of the CRM Campus Management System Based on Java

Lian Ruimei

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Lian Ruimei

With the development of high education and social technology, the traditional management of school information methods far from meeting the demands of the large data now. More importantly, the handling of campus affairs is modern, digital and information management. The CRM ideas have started to adopt the management about the department of campus information in practice. The Campus information management system based on CRM which centered on students and data information technology application emerges as the times require. The implication about the system could improve collaboration between departments as well as promote the development of the college. An advanced information system can raise greatly the level of college student work and improve the efficiency of college administration.
Database, Campus Department Management, SSH, jQuery, JDBC, MVC
Cite this paper:
Lian Ruimei, Design and Implementation of the CRM Campus Management System Based on Java. 2019 Scientific Conference on Network, Power Systems and Computing (NPSC 2019), 2019: 15-18. DOI: