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PTLchain: Privacy and Traceability Enhanced Scheme for Logistics by using Consortium Blockchain

Xiaoguo LIN1,*, Xunbing Wang1

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Xiaoguo LIN


1 School of computer science and communication engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu ,212013, China

*Corresponding author


In digital intelligence era, the authenticity , privacy and traceability of data are key factors in building a good logistics information system. However, current logistics system does not pay attention to protecting user’s privacy information, once the user’s privacy is leaked, it will seriously damage the interests of the user. Besides, when there is a logistics dispute, the logistics system cannot ensure the credibility of the traceable process, which reduces the security and availability of the system. Compared with the traditional logistics system, the blockchain-based logistics scheme ensures the security of users’ personal privacy, the authenticity and traceability of logistics information to a certain extent. However, most of the existing blockchain-based privacy-preserving logistics schemes only propose corresponding system models, which cannot be directly applied. Therefore, to address the leaking problems of logistics information in today’s logistics system and inefficiency in tracing the logistics delivery process, we propose a privacy and traceability enhanced scheme for logistics based on consortium blockchain. The blockchain guarantees the authenticity of logistics data through tamper-resistance and traceability, it avoids logistics information and transportation process tampering and supports efficient logistics traceability. Furthermore, we utilize asymmetric encryption and attribute-based encryption to encrypt users’ privacy and logistics information, to protect the private information and realize fine-grained access control. Finally, we implement the prototype system by Hyperledger Fabric platform, and give the performance evaluation to verify the feasibility and practical significance of our scheme.


Consortium blockchain, Logistics scheme, CP-ABE, Privacy-preserving, Traceability

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Xiaoguo LIN, Xunbing Wang (2021). PTLchain: Privacy and Traceability Enhanced Scheme for Logistics by using Consortium Blockchain. Journal of Networking and Network Applications, Volume 1, Issue 4, pp. 160–169.


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