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Interactive Attendance System for Modern Education Using Computational Intelligence

V. Dhilip Kumar1, Md Meraj Alam2, and Kemal Polat2,*

Corresponding Author:

Kemal Polat


1. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology

2. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, 14280, Bolu, Turkey, Email: [email protected]

*Corresponding Author


The modern age is marked exclusively by advancements in digital technology. Modern education is not untouched by this advancement. However, there are few systems at present, which use computational intelligence in modern education. Currently, digital technology is bounded by commercial uses. In particular, face recognition is mainly used in criminal identification, security, payment, advertising, and healthcare. This project, Interactive Attendance System For Modern Education Using Computational Intelligence, is an attempt to combine modern education with modern computing. It uses the concept of Face Recognition to identify the person and to create an attendance file. The coding is done in the Python language on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ kit with Raspbian. Image pre-processing is used to convert captured images into grayscale and to extract areas of interest, i.e., faces. Machine learning is used to train the system to recognize faces using the LBPH Face Recognizer. This system can be installed in any modern educational institute for smart attendance.


Face Recognition, Raspberry Pi 3B+, LBPH Face Recognizer, OpenCV, Attendance File

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V. Dhilip Kumar, Md Meraj Alam, and Kemal Polat (2021). Interactive Attendance System for Modern Education Using Computational Intelligence. Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Computer, 3, 75-86.


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