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HTTP Adaptive Streaming on Improved LISP-MN Architecture

Musab Muhammad Isah

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Musab Muhammad Isah


College of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Hafar Al Batin, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author Email: [email protected]


The increasing consumption of video content using mobile devices calls for a more efficient techniques of handling the enormous data sent and received across wireless Internet. The Loc/ID split architecture is a group of proposals geared towards enhancing the mobility of nodes on the Internet. Although Loc/ID protocols guarantee handover, they suffer excessive packet loss and long service disruption time during the process. In this paper, we posit that redirecting incoming packets to a nearby buffer node, while a handover is taking place, and forwarding the packets to the mobile device after it reconnects will reduce the negative impact of packet loss on user experience. Improvement in the performance of video services is one manifestation that could be observed. In line with this, we propose an improved architecture for one of the most popular Loc/ID protocols, Locator-Identifier Separation Protocol Mobile Node (LISP-MN) by adding a new node, termed loc-server, to LISP-MN components. Loc-server caches and forwards packets to a mobile device during its handover process. To evaluate the performance of the improved architecture, we implemented the system on a laboratory tested and developed a number of MPEG-DASH compliant players. The performance of the players streaming over the proposed architecture is then compared against vanilla LISP-MN architecture. Results of the evaluation show improved performance when running the players on top of the new architecture.


Adaptive Bitrate Streaming, Loc/ID Split, LISP-MN, Mobility, MPEG DASH,Network Architecture

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Musab Muhammad Isah (2021). HTTP Adaptive Streaming on Improved LISP-MN Architecture. Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Computer, 3,61-74.


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