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A Novel Scheme for Fault Tolerant Computing

Pramode Ranjan Bhattacharjee

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Pramode Ranjan Bhattacharjee


Retired Principal, Kabi Nazrul Mahavidyalaya, Sonamura, Tripura 799131, India  


A novel scheme for ensuring reliability in the operation of a combinational digital network has been offered in this paper. This has been achieved by making use of three copies of the same digital network along with two additional sub-networks, one of which consists of three additional control inputs, which can also be used as additional observable outputs. If both the said two sub-networks are fault free, then the primary output of the network in the present scheme will always give fault-free responses even if a fault (single or multiple) occurs in one of the three copies of the digital network under consideration. Unlike the Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) scheme, the present scheme does not require any majority voter circuit. Furthermore, unlike the TMR scheme, the additional sub-networks in the present scheme can be tested off-line by predefined test input patterns.


Combinational digital network, Stuck-at- fault, S-a-0 and S-a-1 faults, Reliability of a digital network, Fault masking

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Pramode Ranjan Bhattacharjee (2021). A Novel Scheme for Fault Tolerant Computing. Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Computer, 3, 17-23.


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