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Nurse Scheduling Problem using Fuzzy Goal Programming with MINMAX Approach

Shely Nur Fitriani1, *, Bambang Irawanto1, Abdul Aziz1

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Shely Nur Fitriani


1. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author, Email: [email protected]


Nurse scheduling is a complex issue since each nurse has its own work day and day off which needs to be managed. The non-singular hospital objectives, as well as the uncertainty of the objective value add to the complexity of this problem. In this article, nurse scheduling problems will be solved using Fuzzy Goal Programming with the MINMAX approach. The hospital’s objectives of optimizing the number of days off for nurses, the number of working days, evening shifts, and isolated work days can be achieved. The resulting solution from the computation process meets the specified deviation tolerance limits. Problem constraints regarding requests for nurse leave, the minimum number of nurses on duty per shift, restrictions on sequential working days, and other managerial rules can also be met. With the MINMAX approach, the imbalance between positive and negative deviation values can be overcome. In addition, sensitivity analysis is also easier to be done. This article contributes to the future by revealing that the use of fuzzy set theory with unbalanced positive and negative deviations can be effectively used in nurse scheduling problems. Thus, a satisfactory schedule which can meet nurse preferences and hospital policies can be made properly.


Fuzzy logic, Goal Programming, MINMAX Goal Programming, nurses scheduling, paid leave

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Shely Nur Fitriani, Bambang Irawanto, Abdul Aziz (2020). Nurse Scheduling Problem using Fuzzy Goal Programming with MINMAX Approach . Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Computer, 2, 151-161.


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