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Emotion Recognition and Detection Methods: A Comprehensive Survey

Anvita Saxena1, Ashish Khanna1, Deepak Gupta1, *

Corresponding Author:

Deepak Gupta


1. Computer Science and Engineering Department, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
*Corresponding Author: Deepak Gupta, Email: [email protected]


Human emotion recognition through artificial intelligence is one of the most popular research fields among researchers nowadays. The fields of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Affective Computing are being extensively used to sense human emotions. Humans generally use a lot of indirect and non-verbal means to convey their emotions. The presented exposition aims to provide an overall overview with the analysis of all the noteworthy emotion detection methods at a single location. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to outline all the emotion recognition models developed in the last decade. The paper is comprehended by expending more than hundred papers; a detailed analysis of the methodologies along with the datasets is carried out in the paper. The study revealed that emotion detection is predominantly carried out through four major methods, namely, facial expression recognition, physiological signals recognition, speech signals variation and text semantics on standard databases such as JAFFE, CK+, Berlin Emotional Database, SAVEE, etc. as well as self-generated databases. Generally seven basic emotions are recognized through these methods. Further, we have compared different methods employed for emotion detection in humans. The best results were obtained by using Stationary Wavelet Transform for Facial Emotion Recognition , Particle Swarm Optimization assisted Biogeography based optimization algorithms for emotion recognition through speech, Statistical features coupled with different methods for physiological signals, Rough set theory coupled with SVM for text semantics with respective accuracies of 98.83%,99.47%, 87.15%,87.02% . Overall, the method of Particle Swarm Optimization assisted Biogeography based optimization algorithms with an accuracy of 99.47% on BES dataset gave the best results.


Emotion Recognition, Emotion Detection, Facial expressions, Speech Signals, Physiological signals (Electroencephalogram signals (EEG), Electrocardiogram signals (ECG)), Text semantics.

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Anvita Saxena, Ashish Khanna, Deepak Gupta (2020). Emotion Recognition and Detection Methods: A Comprehensive Survey. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Systems, 2, 53–79.


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