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Neuro-fuzzy assessment of pupil performance based on e-learning platform implementation

Dalibor Petković1, *, Nebojša Denić2

Corresponding Author:

Dalibor Petković


1. University of Niš, Pedagogical Faculty in Vranje, Partizanska 14, 17500 Vranje, Serbia
Email: [email protected]
2. University of Priština, Faculty of Science and mathematics, Ive Lole Ribara 29, 38220
Kosovska Mitrovica Serbia
Email: [email protected]
*Corresponding author


Learning and teaching process for the both, learners and teachers, could be challenging task since every learner has different cognitive preconditions. Hence every learner should have different learning material and different learning paths in order to achieve given learning goals. In this article was made an e-learning platform for teacher and learners based on object-oriented approach. In the platform every learner could has personalized learning contents based on the learners’ background. The personalized learning contents could be achieved by different learning paths for each learner. Object-oriented technique by unified modelling language (UML) was performed for the modelling process of the learning platform. Afterwards the pupil performance was analyzed after the introduction of the e-learning platform by computational intelligence approach.


Pupils; e-learning; computational; intelligent; mathematics

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Dalibor Petković, Nebojša Denić (2020). Neuro-fuzzy assessment of pupil performance based on e-learning platform implementation. Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Computer, 2, 12-27.


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