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On Covert Communication Performance in Multi-relay Systems with Outdated CSI

Jiaqing Bai1

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Jiaqing Bai


1School of Systems Information Science, Future University Hakodate, 116-2 Kamedanakano-cho, Hakodate, Hokkaido, 041-8655, Japan


Communication performance significantly depends on the availability of Channel State Information (CSI). This paper investigates the impact of outdated CSI on achievable covert communication performance in a multiple-relay system under a power control scheme. Considering the feedback delay of all links, we first develop an accurate characterization of outdated CSI. Based on this, we formulate theoretical models to depict the inherent relationship between outdated CSI and fundamental covert performance metrics, namely detection error probability (DEP) and covert rate (CR). Utilizing these models, we delve into optimizing CR subject to the DEP constraint, unveiling the maximal CR performance achievable with outdated CSI. Extensive numerical results illustrate the impact of outdated CSI on covert communication performance, also indicating that an increase in the number of relays can mitigate the negative effects of outdated CSI.


Covert Communication, Outdated CSI, Multiple-relay, Detection Error Probability, Maximal CR

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Jiaqing Bai (2023). On Covert Communication Performance in Multi-relay Systems with Outdated CSI. Journal of Networking and Network Applications, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 182–188.


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