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GNN-LS: A Learning Style Prediction in Online Environments using Graph Neural Networks

Bello Ahmad Muhammad1,2, Bo Liu2, Hafsa Kabir Ahmad1,2, Mubarak Umar1, and Kenan Qin2

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Bello Ahmad Muhammad


1 Bayero University, Kano, Kano 700241, Nigeria

2 School of Computer Science, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710062, China


Prediction of learners’ learning styles in online environments has several advantages, including steering learners on the proper path, motivating and engaging them while learning, and improving their learning results. It also helps instructors in the formation of personalized resource recommendations. As a result, predicting learners learning styles is necessary to aid in the personalization process. Existing approaches use either conventional or automatic approaches for learning style identifications. However, the large volume of data stored in online platforms has become a challenge in analyzing the behavior of learners and predicting their learning styles in the real world. Also, most of the existing approaches rely on a particular learning platform and can not be used in other platforms without technical assistance. In this paper, we propose GNN-LS, a new approach to identify and predict learners learning styles using a graph neural network. First, the graph embedding technique is used to capture the representation of learners and resources as a bipartite graph and encode them into low-dimensional representation. The encoded L-R sequences were given as input to the K-means clustering algorithm to identify and obtain labels as per FSLSM dimensions. Then, Graph neural network is trained to predict the learner’s learning style in the real world. The GNN-LS technique can be applied in a variety of educational systems and adapted to fit a variety of learning style models. Extensive experiments are run using the 2015 KDD Cup public available dataset to demonstrate the capabilities of GNN-LS. 5.31-15.68% improvements are achieved across all four FSLSM dimensions in accuracy.


Learning style, graph neural network, FSLSM, learners behavior

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Bello Ahmad Muhammad, Bo Liu, Hafsa Kabir Ahmad, Mubarak Umar, and Kenan Qin (2022). GNN-LS: A Learning Style Prediction in Online Environments using Graph Neural Networks. Journal of Networking and Network Applications, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 172–182.


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