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Privacy-Utility Equilibrium Protocol for Federated Aggregating Multiparty Genome Data

Hai Liu1,2,3, Changgen Peng1,2,3,*, Youliang Tian2,3, Feng Tian4, and Zhenqiang Wu4

Corresponding Author:

Changgen Peng


1 Guizhou Big Data Academy, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China

2 College of Computer Science and Technology, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China

3 State Key Laboratory of Public Big Data, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China

4 School of Computer Science, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710119, China

*Corresponding author


Cloud server aggregates a large amount of genome data from multi genome donors to facilitate scientific research. However, the untrusted cloud server is prone to violate privacy of aggregating genome data. Thus, each genome donor can randomly perturb her genome data using differential privacy mechanism before aggregating. But this is easy to lead to utility disaster of aggregating genome data due to the different privacy preferences of each genome donor, and privacy leakage of aggregating genome data because of the kinship between genome donors. The key challenge here is to achieve an equilibrium between privacy preserving and data utility of aggregating multiparty genome data. To this end, we proposed federated aggregation protocol of multiparty genome data (MGD-FAP) with privacy-utility equilibrium for guaranteeing desired privacy protection and desired data utility. First, we regarded the privacy budget and the accuracy as the desired privacy-utility metrics of genome data respectively. Second, we constructed the federated aggregation model of multiparty genome data by combining random perturbation method of genome data guaranteeing desired data utility with federated comparing update method of local privacy budget achieving desired privacy preserving. Third, we presented the MGD-FAP maintaining privacy-utility equilibrium under the federated aggregation model of multiparty genome data. Finally, our theoretical and experimental analysis showed that MGD-FAP can maintain privacy-utility equilibrium. The MGD-FAP is practical and feasible to ensure the privacy-utility equilibrium of cloud server aggregating multiparty genome data.


Multiparty genome data aggregation, cloud server, federated comparing, strategic game, privacy-utility equilibrium

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Hai Liu, Changgen Peng, Youliang Tian, Feng Tian, and Zhenqiang Wu (2021). Privacy-Utility Equilibrium Protocol for Federated Aggregating Multiparty Genome Data. Journal of Networking and Network Applications, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 103–111.


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