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Proceedings of IEC

Proceedings of IEC | IEC Science

Proceedings of IEC

The Proceedings of IEC provides a mechanism to publish the contents of conferences, technical symposia and workshops and thereby increase their visibility among the international electronics and computer community. The goal of this program is to enable conferences and workshops to cost effectively produce proceedings which provide maximum dissemination of the material through electronic channels.

The Proceedings of IEC is an Open Access publication dedicated to archiving conference proceedings dealing with all the aspects related to electronics and computer. The aims and scope of the publication cover the whole spectrum of electrical engineering, electronics, computer, astronomy and astrophysics, environmental sciences, biosciences, mathematics and education.

The Proceedings of IEC offers a wide range of services from the organization of the submission of conference proceedings to the worldwide dissemination of the conference papers. It provides an efficient archiving solution, ensuring maximum exposure and wide indexing of scientific conference proceedings.

Proceedings are published under the scientific responsibility of the conference editors.