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Feature Extraction aligned Email Classification based on Imperative Sentence Selection through Deep Learning

Nashit Ali1, Anum Fatima1, Hureeza Shahzadi2, Aman Ullah3, Kemal Polat4, *

Corresponding Author:

Kemal Polat


1. Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari Campus, Vehari 61100, Pakistan

2. Department of Computational Science & Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad.

3. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, 410083, China

4. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu 14280, Turkey

*Corresponding Author: Email: [email protected] (Kemal Polat)


Most commonly used channel for communication among peoples is emails. In this era where everyone is so busy in their routine and work, it is very difficult to check all email when one receives huge amount of emails. Previous research has done work on email categorization in which they have mostly done spam filtration. The problem with spam filtration is that sometimes person mistakenly mark an important email received from high authority as spam and according to previous research, this email will be filtered as spam that can cause a great threat for job of an employee. In this research, we are introducing a methodology which classifies email text into three categories i.e. order, request and general on basis of imperative sentences. This research use Word2Wec for words conversion into vector and use two approaches of deep learning i.e. Convolutional neural network and Recurrent neural network for email classification. We conduct experiment on Dataset collected from Personal Gmail account and Enron which consists of 1000 emails. The experiment result show that RNN gives better accuracy than CNN. We also compare our methods with previously used method Fuzzy ANN results and Our proposed methods CNN and RNN gives better results than Fuzzy ANN. This research has also included different experimental result in which CNN and RNN applied on different ratios of training and testing dataset. These experiment show that increasing in the ratio of training dataset results in increasing accuracy of algorithm.


Convolutional neural network, Email Categorization, Imperative Sentences, Recurrent neural network, Spam filtration

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Nashit Ali, Anum Fatima, Hureeza Shahzadi, Aman Ullah, Kemal Polat (2021). Feature Extraction aligned Email Classification based on Imperative Sentence Selection through Deep Learning. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Systems, 3, 93–114.


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