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Generalized Traffic Flow Model for Multi-Services Oriented UAV System

Abderrahmane Abada1, Bin Yang1, and Tarik Taleb1,2

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Abderrahmane Abada, Bin Yang, and Tarik Taleb


1. School of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University, Finland
2. Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, Finland


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are opening up new opportunities for extensive applications. The traffic flow model is critical to evaluate the traffic needs of various applications in designing and deploying UAV system. However, the traffic flow model has not been explored in multi-services oriented UAV system. To this end, this paper proposes a general traffic flow model for multi-services orientated UAV system. Under such a model, the network services are first categorized into three subsets, each corresponding to one of telemetry, Internet of Things (IoT), and streaming data. According to the Pareto distribution, all UAVs are further partitioned into three subgroups relying on their network usages. We can measure the packet arrival rate for the nine segments, each of which represents one map relationship between a services subset and a UAV subgroup. Therefore, we can also obtain the number of packets for each network service and total data size. Simulation results are presented to illustrate that the number of packets and the data size predicted by our traffic model can well match with these in real scenarios with different network services.


UAV system, multi-services, traffic flow

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Abderrahmane Abada, Bin Yang, and Tarik Taleb (2021). Generalized Traffic Flow Model for Multi-Services Oriented UAV System. Journal of Networking and Network Applications, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 1–8.


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