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Risk Assessment at Workplace in Underground Lead and Zinc Mine with Application of Fuzzy Topsis Method

Stojance Mijalkovski1, *, Dragi Peltechki2, Kemajl Zeqiri3, Joze Kortnik4, Dejan Mirakovski1

Corresponding Author:

Stojance Mijalkovski


1. Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Mining Engineering, “Goce Delchev” University, Shtip, N. Macedonia
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
2. Rudplan DOOEL, Strumica, N. Macedonia
Email: [email protected]
3. Faculty of Geosciences, Department of Mining, Isa Boletini University, Mitrovice, Kosovo
Email: [email protected]
4. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geotechnology, Mining and Environment, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Email: [email protected]
*Corresponding Author


Underground mining is considered one of the most dangerous industries, because serious injuries or accidents often occur at the workplace. In recent years, fuzzy multiple criteria decision-making has found increasing application in job risk assessment, taking into account a number of influential parameters. This paper uses fuzzy TOPSIS method for workplace risk assessment in an underground lead and zinc mine, where the results are be compared with the number of injuries and accidents that have occurred in individual workplaces to assess its accuracy. Accurate workplace risk assessment in underground mines is very important so that appropriate safety measures can be taken in a timely manner to avoid injuries and deaths at work.


Risk assessment, workplace, underground mine, fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making, fuzzy TOPSIS

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Stojance Mijalkovski, Dragi Peltechki, Kemajl Zeqiri, Joze Kortnik, Dejan Mirakovski (2020). Risk Assessment at Workplace in Underground Lead and Zinc Mine with Application of Fuzzy Topsis Method. Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Computer, 2, 121-141.


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