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Hiding Data in Images Using Cryptography and Deep Neural Network

Kartik Sharma1, a, *, Ashutosh Aggarwal1, b, Tanay Singhania2, c, Deepak Gupta1, d, Ashish Khanna1, e

Corresponding Author:

Kartik Sharma


1. Computer Science and Engineering Department, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India
2. Applied Mathematics Department, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, India
a. [email protected], b. [email protected], c. [email protected], d. [email protected], e. [email protected]
*Corresponding Author: Kartik Sharma


Steganography is an art of obscuring data inside another quotidian file of similar or varying types. Hiding data has always been of significant importance to digital forensics. Previously, steganography has been combined with cryptography and neural networks separately. Whereas, this research combines steganography, cryptography with the neural networks all together to hide an image inside another container image of the larger or same size. Although the cryptographic technique used is quite simple, but is effective when convoluted with deep neural nets. Other steganography techniques involve hiding data efficiently, but in a uniform pattern which makes it less secure. This method targets both the challenges and make data hiding secure and non-uniform.


Image Steganography, Cryptography, Convolutional Neural Network, Deep Learning, Digital Data Security

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Sharma Kartik; Aggarwal Ashutosh; Singhania Tanay; Gupta Deepak; Khanna Ashish (2019). Hiding Data in Images Using Cryptography and Deep Neural Network. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Systems, 1, 143–162.


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