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Mitigating Carbon Footprint through Green Software: A Comprehensive Framework for Energy-Efficient Data Centers and User-Friendly Carbon Footprint Calculation

Tharun Raghavasamy.M1,*, Ashok.M2, Kumar Ramasamy3

Corresponding Author:

Tharun Raghavasamy.M


1 Centre for Energy and Mobility, Computer Science and Business Systems, Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, Chennai, India

Email: [email protected]

2 Centre for Artificial and Intelligence, Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, Computer Science and Engineering, Chennai, India

Email: [email protected]

3 Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem, India Email: [email protected]

*Corresponding Author: Tharun Raghavasamy.M, Email: [email protected]


The carbon footprint of the world is increasing day by day by the activities caused by every citizen. This is because the demand for energy increases and due to the lack of awareness.The average carbon emission is around 4.72 tonnes per person. There are some free online tools which are available for calculating the carbon footprint of each citizen. But those work as a datacentre in which data must be entered manually by the user which makes it quite inefficient. The existing methods do not meet the requirement of ease of handling the data.This software and the datacentres were developed which includes the availability of a user-friendly interface.Data centers also play a major role in carbon footprint, they emit CO2 and consume more energy. Data centers and new technology adoptions are mainly causing this carbon emission.These Data Centres use cloud energy to serve the user-generated requests and this energy consumption is the basic cause of carbon emission. Therefore, the energy efficiency of the data center must be governed. To reduce it, the concept of green software is introduced. Though hardware is seen as the main culprit for the consumption of energy, software plays a tremendous role in determining the efficiency of the hardware. Therefore, software must be energy efficient to handle the data center in low cost, low consumption, and low pressure.This led to the development of GREEN Software. The implementation of green software involves various factors.To reduce it, data center simulators are being used. This simulator calculates the amount of energy consumed and the amount of CO2 emitted, which as a result computes the change in carbon footprint due to it. This green software design framework provides a separate track session on energy consumption by the data center and cloud service provider along with the acquired energy efficiency level by the specific center.


Carbon footprint, Greensoftware, Datacenter, Data center efficiency, Energy consumption, User-friendly interface

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Tharun Raghavasamy.M, Ashok.M, Kumar Ramasamy (2024). Mitigating Carbon Footprint through Green Software: A Comprehensive Framework for Energy-Efficient Data Centers and User-Friendly Carbon Footprint Calculation. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Systems, 6, 59–75.


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