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Fuzzy Inference System Modelling of the Mascarenes Anticyclone center Trajectory

Georgines Jacobsen Rasoarinirinaa, *, Harimino Andriamalala Rajaonarisoab, I. Parker Ramahazosoac, Adolphe Andriamanga Ratiarisond

Corresponding Author:

Georgines Jacobsen Rasoarinirina


Atmosphere, Climate and Oceans Dynamics Laboratory (DyACO), Physics and Applications, Sciences and Technologies, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar

a.[email protected], b.[email protected], c.[email protected], d.[email protected]

*Corresponding Author, Georgines Jacobsen Rasoarinirina, [email protected]


This work objective is to determine the parameters of the fuzzy inference system model that best models the Mascarenes anticyclone trajectory. Our study area extends from 20°E to 110°E longitude and from 15°S to 50°S latitude. We start from the atmospheric pressure reanalysis data in grid point to determine the Mascarene anticyclone center. This center is none other than the center of the last closed Anticyclone's isobar. The monthly climatological mean value of the center coordinates are the data to be modeled by fuzzy inference system. The considered model parameters are the partitions number of the discourse universe and the model order. After evaluating the deviation between the input data and the simulated data, the minimum deviation is obtained with order model 2 by using 50 numbers of partitions.


Artificial intelligence; Modeling, Fuzzy Inference System; Mascarenes anticyclone; Partitions number; Model order

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Georgines Jacobsen Rasoarinirina, Harimino Andriamalala Rajaonarisoa, I. Parker Ramahazosoa, Adolphe Andriamanga Ratiarison (2023). Fuzzy Inference System Modelling of the Mascarenes Anticyclone center Trajectory. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Systems, 5, 36–45.


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