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Fine-grained Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Network and Support Vector Machine

Yu Shi1, Tao Lin1, *, Wei He1, Biao Chen1, Ruixia Wang1, Nan Jiang1, Yabo Zhang1

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Tao Lin


School of Computer Science & Infomation Enineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai, China

*Corresponding author


Although vast neural network models can classify images, sub-classification for each image class requires retraining the exisiting model with new fine-grained data, subject to high training cost and uncertain classification accuracy. To solve the aforementioned problems, a method using Convolution Neural Network and Support Vector Machine is proposed, where the former extracts general features from images for sub-classification while the latter categorizes these features. The method can be rapidly deployed in most Internet of Things systems to identify various targets; its effectiveness in reducing training cost and improving classification accuracy is verified through experiments.


Fine-grained image classification, feature extraction, convolutional neural network, support vector machine, face classification, IoT

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Yu Shi, Tao Lin, Wei He, Biao Chen, Ruixia Wang, Nan Jiang, Yabo Zhang (2022). Fine-grained Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Network and Support Vector Machine. Journal of Networking and Network Applications, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 86–94.


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